Development: Mediumship
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
Development for mediumship is not a quick and easy journey for anybody who aims to be a medium for the Spirit world. The best mediums can take many years to reach their goal and still continue to learn about Spirits and the Spirit world.
A Spiritualist medium does not just give readings personally or over the telephone to make money, but to give comfort in evidence of survival to those who have lost someone and to encourage them and other sitters to develop resilience and spiritual growth on the earth plane.
Evidence is achieved by ‘linking in’ with the spirit guides who come to help the medium and with the spirits who want to help the sitter. It takes dedication and practice. Safe development needs the guidance of an experienced medium. I personally know two mediums who acquired ‘attachments’ when developing and I don’t suppose they are the only ones. Attachments can be dark entities and you will need the help of an experienced medium to rid yourself of one.
The best way to develop is to find a Spiritualist church with a development group and become a Member. Attend regularly. Remember you are making a ‘date’ with Spirit and they deserve the respect that you show when you turn up.
If, after possibly a few years you achieve your goal, you may want to seek SNU recognition for your achievement. You can try for the award of CSNU(d) demonstration and /or CSNU(s) speaking. There is also the Platform Accreditation Scheme where you have to do both.
Development for mediumship is not a quick and easy journey for anybody who aims to be a medium for the Spirit world. The best mediums can take many years to reach their goal and still continue to learn about Spirits and the Spirit world.
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