Development: Healing
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
The Healing Accreditation Scheme ensures that Approved Spiritualist Healing Mediums have undergone training, education, and at least a year’s experience before they are assessed to see if they have a sufficient level of knowledge and skill to become an Approved Spiritualist Healing Medium as determined by the SNU Healing Committee.
All Trainees have to complete the training within five years, although the minimum period is one year. During the training period the trainee must comply with the formal training requirements of the SNU Exponents Committee in accordance with the Code of Conduct & Healing and the Law.
Trainees must pass the H1 – Foundation Healing Course, which covers: Forms of Healing; Development of the Healing Medium; Attitudes and responsibilities to patients; an outline of anatomy and physiology; Spiritualists’ Healing Mediums; Organisation and administration; The Spiritualists’ National Union. There are 26 questions to complete the Test Papers based on the headings listed above which are to be completed in essay form. (The pass mark is B or A)
At the same time the Trainee must get practical experience, under supervision, on all aspects of a healing group’s work. After this training period Spiritualist Healing Mediums may apply for an upgrade assessment to become an Approved Spiritualist Healing Medium.
On satisfactory completion of training and assessment, the trainee will be upgraded to Approved Healer status and will have gained the skill and practical experience needed for the practice of healing in the United Kingdom and within the SNU.
Spiritual Healing is a complementary therapy. It works with the doctors’ medicines and treatments and is not an alternative to them.
There are some doctors who have trained in what is loosely called ‘Healing’ and they use it for some patients. The BMA allow doctors to refer patients to healers and so a doctor cannot object to someone wishing to try it.
Not many doctors are convinced healing can help, but trials have shown that it may help with pain and stress and a lot of other symptoms. It works on animals and even makes plants grow better.
The natural energies passed to you through the healer’s hands, even without actual contact help your body to heal itself; you may feel heat, cold or tingling from the healer’s hands.
The Healing Accreditation Scheme ensures that Approved Spiritualist Healing Mediums have undergone training, education, and at least a year’s experience before they are assessed to see if they have a sufficient level of knowledge and skill to become an Approved Spiritualist Healing Medium as determined by the SNU Healing Committee.
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