Forms of Mediumship
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Mediumship is the art of speaking and communicating with ghosts and spirits. The skilled person who performs the rituals associated with passing messages between spirits and human beings is known as a medium. Mediumship is often related to religion in different countries, and even today, the practice is prominent in various developed countries. In different cultures, mediums are often referred to as chosen people who have a unique ability to talk to spirits as if they were talking to normal humans. The medium can also communicate with spirits in a muted tone, entering into a state of trance and silently talking to the spirits.
The history of mediumship goes back a long way. Written historical documents state that the first instance of mediumship was observed in the early 18th Century, although similar phenomena would have been observed in cultures throughout the world. It is however not an easy skill to pin down. The medium is believed by some to possess magical properties, and in some instances, the medium has been observed to have pronounced physical changes in terms of strength and appearance when communicating with the spirit world. Different mediums choose different ways to communicate with spirits. Some chose to speak to them in the open air, whereas some will always communicate inside an enclosed private room.
There are different forms of mediumship that can be observed in different parts of the world – physical mediumship mental mediumship, and trance mediumship All three methods differ from each other in how contacting the spirit world is performed, but the basic methodology remains the same – energy transfer between humans and the spirit.
The mind of the medium is utilized in mental mediumship. A mental medium is one who relates information through communication such as thought transference or mental telepathy. It is done strictly through the consciousness of the medium with the answer being communicated verbally which means they must literally tell you what the spirit is showing or telling them. Often, the spirit comes to them in the form of a picture allowing the medium to see certain objects, colors or words. The “picture” that the medium gets may not always be clear or even meaningful, but when said to the person physically in front of them, it will start to make sense.
Mental mediumship can happen in other forms as well such as clairvoyance which is clear seeing meaning that they can see absolutely everything the spirit is relating to them. Other forms include
Clear smell or clear sensing (Clairsentience)
Which means that they may not get a picture at all. Instead, they may hear words, smell a particular smell or feel something that isn’t actually there.
However, most mental mediums claim to see or hear symbols or to get visual cues from spirit, and they then try to filter back those messages to callers, customer or clients in a way that makes sense, resonates and rings true. This can be a crazy cool experience, and can literally give you life-changing affirmation that life DOES continue on after death, and that our loved ones are watching, waiting and still with us … even when we miss the most!
A medium can be considered as clairvoyant only if along with the psychic powers of mediumship, the person must also possess the powers of clear viewing wherein he can visualize things that are not possible with the naked eye of a normal human being. The medium must possess the ability to see visions from the past along with the other abilities to be a clairvoyant. In a nutshell, the clairvoyant medium must see visions of whatever the departed soul wants to communicate.
Clairaudience is one of the lesser-known psychic abilities and means that someone is ‘clear hearing’ or has the ability to hear sounds or information that goes beyond the physical senses or physical hearing. A clairaudient will receive information in the form of sounds, either inside his or her mind or through the chakras situated directly above the ears. Sounds can range from phrases, words, names, or even conversations with those who have crossed over, or spirit guides.
Clairsentience which can also be referred to as clear feeling is known to be a mental ability which enables a medium to feel or sense psyshic energies of the spiritual presence. A clairsentient medium is capable of sensing what other people are feeling by only using their minds. These mediums may also experience the presence of spirit through temperature.
In physical mediumship, the actual physical body is used to get information from spirit. Physical mediums can vary greatly, and they can all use different tools and can be tapping into different kinds of awareness. It is best to clarify with a physical medium before booking a session. Find out how they do what they do and if they use the tool. Do they use guides or the energy of source? Physical mediums sometimes will use their guides or yours to give you guidance about your life. This can be useful, and your spirit guides are there to help you. They know and love you and are usually wiser than just any old spirit.
But spirit guides all have their own opinion about your life and how you should be living it. Just because you are told something by something in spirit, it doesn’t mean you have to agree or follow through with that advice. Tap into your own inner knowing and decide what is right for you. Other physical mediums may tap into your soul’s energy and your divine timing and give you a better idea of why your soul choose to incarnate and what could be a good direction to go in next. Some physical mediums may be able to see the future, or the future you are creating in that present moment. It is essential to understand that every-time you make a choice in life, your future changes. So if you are told something you don’t like. You have the power to change what you create for yourself. Change your actions. change your future.
The problem with physical mediumship according to many? It’s creepy and too controversial to really invest too much time, effort or energy into. Plus, there are very few physical mediums who will allow themselves to be tested by serious scientists which makes it easier to dismiss as some sort of elaborate hoax or trick. In addition, many physical mediums work in dimly lit conditions which is suspicious, EVEN though they are able to produce phenomena that are very difficult to explain away as a “light” trick.
Trance mediumship is said to be the point at which the spirit has the mind of the medium and utilizations the clairvoyant to transfer the messages they have. An individual is commonly cognizant amid these periods. However, they are not commonly mindful of what they are doing or saying at the time. This is the point at which the individual may talk in dialects they are generally new to or may identify with the individual they are doing the perusing for data that they ought not to be the advantage too.
Trance Mediums invite spirits or /energies into their body; the spirit takes over and can give you guidance on whatever issue you are having. A great example of this kind of psychic is Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham Hicks, who teaches people about the Law Of Attraction. Having a session like this can be really useful if you are feeling rather lost. BUT understand that the quality of the session will really depend on what energy the psychic is channeling. Just because something is in spirit form. doesn’t make it wiser than you This can be as good as asking a random person off the street about your life.
They are mediums who go into a deep trance or meditative state during the reading. They often don’t know what they say and when they come out, they have no memory of what they told you, what came through, or sometimes who you even are, and why you are there! Edgar Caycee, possibly the most famous and well-documented psychic of the 20th century was a trance psychic. So too have been other very famous psychics and mediums, who claimed they were “channeling” spirit guides, guardian angels and highly evolved beings. (Jane Roberts. who is famous for the “Seth” books is an example of channeling, as is “The Course in Miracles,” both of which have sold millions and millions of copies and while neither claimed to be a medium per se. it’s the same basic idea).
Make sure if you are seeking out this kind of medium that you read reviews and testimonials so that you know others have found the sessions helpful.
It can be concluded that a person who has powers of mediumship is someone very special and rare. Their powers can be a great help to all those who want to communicate with they are departed near and dear ones and hence such specialties should not be considered as blasphemy and instead should be considered as a rare gift or blessing.
The history of mediumship goes back a long way. Written historical documents state that the first instance of mediumship was observed in the early 18th Century, although similar phenomena would have been observed in cultures throughout the world.
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